This month’s article is an invaluable article for any martial artist when it comes to the real-world application of your skills. This month's article titled "Gray Fist" is written for older martial arts practitioners but it applies to any age. The article talks about how as people age there are limits to what they can physically do. The article discusses the changes that occur as we become older and how to adjust to still practice martial arts effectively. Martial arts are something that can be practiced by anyone and as long as you respect your limits martial arts can benefit anyone. The article also references statistics relating to violence across the U.S. which is very important for anyone to be aware of. The article explains that the majority of attempted assaults do not involve weapons of any sort. It also states that the majority of attackers are younger men in their 20s and they mostly target men in the same age range. Statistics like this can help people be more aware of their surroundings and it can help people asses a situation and its risks. The article talks about how important it is to be aware of your surroundings which is truly the key to staying as safe as possible. Martial artists of all ages can find helpful information and advice in this article. For younger martial artists this article can explain how martial arts can change with age and how to adjust to stay as safe as possible. This article is a treasure trove of information that is recommended for anyone practicing martial arts.
Here is a link to the full article: https://www.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=1678